Incoming Webhooks  (Actions/PUSH)

10 min
Jun 19, 2023

Create Project

Creates a Project in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


url (required)stringProject URL
externalIdstringProject external id
namestringProject name
screenshotstringProject screenshot

Update Project

Updates a Project in Webvizio.

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


idintegerProject id
externalIdstringProject external id
uuidstringProject universally unique identifier
namestringProject name
screenshotstringProject screenshot

*id | externalId | uuid – required

Delete Project

Deletes a Project from Webvizio

HTTP request method – DELETE

Request sample


idintegerProject id
externalIdstringProject external id
uuidstringProject universally unique identifier

*id | externalId | uuid – required

Create/Update/Delete Project response sample


idintegerProject Id
uuidstringProject universally unique identifier
externalIdstring|nullProject external id
namestringProject name
screenshotstring|nullProject Screenshot
urlstring|nullProject Url
createdAtstringComment creation date in iso8601 format
updatedAtstringDate the project was last updated in iso8601 format

Find Project

Finds a Project in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


idintegerProject id
externalIdstringProject external id
uuidstringProject universally unique identifier
namestringProject name

*id | externalId | uuid | name – required

Response sample


idintegerProject Id
uuidstringProject universally unique identifier
externalIdstring|nullProject external id
Name stringProject name
screenshotstring|nullProject Screenshot
urlstring|nullProject Url
createdAtstringComment creation date in iso8601 format
updatedAtstringDate the project was last updated in iso8601 format

Create Task

Creates a Task in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


externalIdstring|nullTask External Id
projectIdintegerProject Id
projectUuidstringProject universally unique identifier
projectExternalIdstring|nullProject External Id
authorstringTask author email
name (required)stringTask name
descriptionstringTask description (HTML format)
statusstringTask status. Can be one of the following values: Open, In progress, Done, Closed
prioritystringTask priority. Can be one of the following values: Low, Normal, High
executeAtstringTask execute date in iso8601 format
tagsarrayTask tags array
filesarrayAn array of task files, each element has two fields fileName, fileUrl
files.fileNamestringTask file name
files.fileUrlstringTask file URL
assigneesarrayArray of task assignees emails
timeLogsarrayAn array of task time logs, each element has fields: ID, user, date, and time.
timeLogs.idintegerTime log ID. If the ID is not specified a new time log will be created, if the ID is specified the current one will be updated.
timeLogs.userstringEmail of the time log author
timeLogs.datestringTime log date in ISO8601 format
timeLogs.timeintegerTime log time in minutes

*projectId | projectUuid | projectExternalId – required

Update Task

Updates a Task in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


idintegerTask id
externalIdstring|nullTask external id
namestringTask name
descriptionstringTask description (html format)
statusstringTask status. Can be one of the following values: Open, In progress, Done, Closed
prioritystringTask priority. Can be one of the following values: Low, Normal, High
executeAtstringTask execute date in iso8601 format
tagsarrayTask tags array
filesarrayAn array of task files, each element has two fields fileName, fileUrl
files.fileNamestringTask file name
files.fileUrlstringTask file url
assigneesarrayArray of task assignees emails
timeLogsarrayAn array of task time logs, each element has fields: ID, user, date, and time.
timeLogs.idintegerTime log ID. If the ID is not specified a new time log will be created, if the ID is specified the current one will be updated.
timeLogs.userstringEmail of the time log author
timeLogs.datestringTime log date in ISO8601 format
timeLogs.timeintegerTime log time in minutes

*id | externalId – required

Delete Task

Deletes a Task from Webvizio

HTTP request method – DELETE

Request sample


idintegerTask id
externalIdstring|nullTask external id

*id | externalId – required

Create/Update/Delete Task response sample


idintegerTask Id
externalIdstring|nullTask External Id
numberintegerTask number
projectIdintegerProject Id
projectUuidstringProject universally unique identifier
projectExternalIdstring|nullProject External Id
authorstringTask author email
namestringTask name
descriptionstringTask description
descriptionHtmlstring|nullTask description in HTML format
screenshotstring|nullTask screenshot
statusstringTask status. Can be one of the following values: Open, In progress, Done, Closed
prioritystringTask priority. Can be one of the following values: Low, Normal, High
deviceTypestringDevice type that was selected when creating the task. Can be one of the following values: fullScreen, responsive, desktop, tablet, mobile
createdAtstringTask creation date in iso8601 format
updatedAtstringDate the task was last updated in iso8601 format
osstringOperating system used when creating the task
browserstringBrowser used when creating the task
executeAtstringTask execute date in iso8601 format
tagsarrayTask tags array
filesarrayAn array of task files, each element has two fields fileName, fileUrl
files.fileNamestringTask file name
files.fileUrlstringTask file URL
videosarrayArray of videos URLs
assigneesarrayArray of task assignees emails
timeLogsarrayAn array of task time logs, each element has fields: ID, user, date, and time.
timeLogs.idintegerTime log ID. If the ID is not specified a new time log will be created, if the ID is specified the current one will be updated.
timeLogs.userstringEmail of the time log author
timeLogs.datestringTime log date in ISO8601 format
timeLogs.timeintegerTime log time in minutes

Find Task

Finds a Task in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


idintegerTask id
externalIdstring|nullTask external id

*id | externalId – required

Response sample


idintegerTask Id
externalIdstring|nullTask External Id
numberintegerTask number
projectIdintegerProject Id
projectUuidstringProject universally unique identifier
projectExternalIdstring|nullProject External Id
authorstringTask author email
namestringTask name
descriptionstringTask description
descriptionHtmlstring|nullTask description in HTML format
screenshotstring|nullTask screenshot
statusstringTask status. Can be one of the following values: Open, In progress, Done, Closed
prioritystringTask priority. Can be one of the following values: Low, Normal, High
deviceTypestringDevice type that was selected when creating the task. Can be one of the following values: fullScreen, responsive, desktop, tablet, mobile
createdAtstringTask creation date in iso8601 format
updatedAtstringDate the task was last updated in iso8601 format
osstringOperating system used when creating the task
browserstringBrowser used when creating the task
executeAtstringTask execute date in iso8601 format
tagsarrayTask tags array
filesarrayAn array of task files, each element has two fields fileName, fileUrl
files.fileNamestringTask file name
files.fileUrlstringTask file URL
videosarrayArray of videos URLs
assigneesarrayArray of task assignees emails
timeLogsarrayAn array of task time logs, each element has fields: ID, user, date, and time.
timeLogs.idintegerTime log ID. If the ID is not specified a new time log will be created, if the ID is specified the current one will be updated.
timeLogs.userstringEmail of the time log author
timeLogs.datestringTime log date in ISO8601 format
timeLogs.timeintegerTime log time in minutes

Create Comment

Creates a Comment for the task

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


externalIdstring|nullComment external id
taskIdintegerTask Id
taskExternalIdstring|nullTask external id
authorstringComment author email
bodystringComment body (html format)

*taskId | taskExternalId – required

Delete Comment

Deletes a Comment from Webvizio

HTTP request method – DELETE

Request sample


idintegerComment id
externalIdstring|nullComment external id

*id | externalId – required

Create/Delete Comment response sample


idintegerComment Id
externalIdstring|nullComment external id
taskIdintegerTask Id
taskExternalIdstring|nullTask external id
authorstringComment author email
bodystringComment body
bodyHtmlstring|nullComment body in html format
createdAtstringComment creation date in iso8601 format

Find Comment

Finds a Comment in Webvizio

HTTP request method – POST

Request sample


idintegerComment id
externalIdstring|nullComment external id

*id | externalId – required

Response sample


idintegerComment Id
externalIdstring|nullComment external id
taskIdintegerTask Id
taskExternalIdstring|nullTask external id
authorstringComment author email
bodystringComment body (HTML format)
bodyHtmlstring|nullComment body in HTML format
createdAtstringComment creation date in iso8601 format